Kayla Hicks - Author Kayla Hicks - Author


2 min read

Many times we have storylines, scenarios, and characters chomping at the bit to be put onto paper. Sometimes they work and sometimes, unfortunately, they don’t. When they don’t or even when you are fresh out of ideas, attempting to brainstorm can give you some traction.

Here are some ways you can brainstorm for various aspects of your book:

  1. Character: When making a character, think about their personality. What traits do they have and how do they affect them. Do some research as to what makes a compelling character. Creating a character bio is a good way to make sense of and get to know your character. After this is done, give your character a scenario, and start to write from the character's point of view. As you test the waters with them you will gain a voice for them as well as think of some storylines for them.

  2. Storylines: Think of the key points of your storyline, make them into a list. After this is done, write out the most storylines that you can think of. After this is done, you can look at the different ones that you have and decide what you can change or even which ones you can pick and pull from to create a stronger one.

  3. Scenes: When I am having trouble writing out a scene, it helps me to do these things. One, write out the key details I need to occur in the scene. Two, who is in the scene? Three, where is the scene taking place? Doing these things help my mind to start moving, allow me to think of different and all possibilities, and even look ahead.

Brainstorming is a crucial part of your writing. I didn’t mention this earlier, but sometimes even doing some research on a part of your book that you need information on can help you too.