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Spotlight on Decagon Key Author: SJ Covey

5 min read

If you have been following my blog, you may have seen the spotlight on another author, Melissa Rose Rodgers, for the Decagon Key. This anthology is expected to drop in September, courtesy of Night Foundry Publishing. It focuses on the Decagon Key which is dropped by the Grim Reaper and then helps create chaos throughout each story.

This spotlight is on Author SJ Covey, a newer Author in the literary world. She has exceeded expectations like all of the other authors in this anthology with some of the work of hers I have had the opportunity to read. She often posts her work on Vocal Media, links to come.

Let's hear what she had to say about her hand in the Decagon Key.

What gave you the idea or inspiration for this short story?

Gabriel is the obvious answer here seen as everyone knows what a soft spot I have for the character. A conversation on Twitter about someone who was being mean got my cogs turning, and it started with a thought of ‘what if everything my phone auto-corrects comes true. This took me down a rabbit hole, which involved anagrams scrawled on scraps of paper until Biligrates was born and his Twitter account opened.

Are any of the characters in any of your other work?

None of my own characters, I wrote a short story with Gabriel being the central force within the piece for flame tree press titled Grace me with your presence. I obviously asked Peter’s permission beforehand. I was delighted when it won the best horror short. Leads me to think although Gabriel isn’t what you would generally consider a lucky charm, maybe he is in the confines of the foundry...

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Lol, pay attention when your teacher is talking about past participles, tenses, and grammar in general. Rather than daydreaming, and making stories up in your head. You will thank me for it when you’re pulling your hair out on the eighth edit and find a tense crisis to correct. Oh, and maybe don’t be scared to start writing. Not everyone may love it but even if one person does, that’s incredible. 

Who is your favorite character that you have created and why?

This is a tough question, I have two. Okay if you’re forcing me to pick, it has to be Travis. He’s in my series, The Order - FamiLIES, the first book, which is awaiting publication. He’s not the main character but has so many layers. I explored writing his back story last November and it was the most emotional piece of writing I’ve ever done. Plus he’s named after someone very special. 

What is your worst nightmare and does the night foundry know about it?

Snakes, the thought of them, let alone an actual one. If I turn a page and my hand is resting on a snake I pull it away quicker than lightning. I possibly shouldn’t have shared that, don’t tell the night foundry, will you? 

What’s your favourite genre to write?

I enjoy writing horror stories that are wide and all-encompassing, from young adult fantasy with vampires and witches. Full-on terror, with lots of twists and turns. Plus there is also real-world horror of how people treat each other. What actually surprised me was how much I enjoyed the amount of research in writing historical fiction. Obviously, I injected a vast amount of horror in between the historical accuracy, it would be rude not to.    

What google search scares you the most if your laptop was seized by the police/fbi or Interpol and it is discovered?

This is a long list but maybe the searches which involve the sicker aspects to my writing. Yes, I wouldn’t be comfortable explaining searches of how to kill an unborn baby, that is horrific.

What is the hardest scene you have ever written?

My writing is very character-led, and as such, I find myself very attached to some of the characters. It’s not unusual for me to think when in situations how certain characters would react, and then make a note of it for future writing. 

Killing off a character who went through a long journey, from being seen as a horrible person. To them revealing their softer side, and the reason why they are like this is one that stands out. There were lots of tears from me writing and editing this.   

What’s the best piece of writing you have ever done?

I have to say it’s Trav’s back story, the working title of The Protector. Written over a period of 100 years, with London cockney accents. When Trav’s father (Count Dracula,) is murdered he gets lost, and can’t find his way home. Growing up on the streets toughens the young Travis up. The writing is much darker than I’ve written before, Beta’s are all in agreement, it's the best I’ve written. 

Where can readers get more of you?

Readers can find news on my website sjcovey.com  I also publish stories on vocal media vocal.media and they can follow me  SJ_Covey or Biligrates on Twitter. I also have a Facebook page 

Be sure to keep an eye out for more Author Spotlights in the coming weeks as we find out more of what ensues in The Decagon Key.