How Authors Can Increase Their Chances of More Page Reads on Kindle Unlimited

The positives of participating in Kindle Unlimited outweigh the negatives, but learning ways to increase your page reads is key
Amazon is the top platform for publishing books at the moment and doesn’t seem to be releasing its top-dog title any time soon.
With options such as Kindle Unlimited for authors, it’s difficult for other platforms to compete. Why? Kindle Unlimited has nearly four million subscribers and offers its authors five free promotion days and countdown deal days that renew every 90 days.
However, as a multi-genre author who participated many of my books in the Kindle Unlimited program, I found that my lifetime Kindle page reads only a total of 17,576 pages.
Why is this concerning to me? I have 18 books under my name, and 15 of them participate in Kindle Unlimited. And after ten years of being part of the program, one would hope I would have much more page reads than I currently do.
Now, despite having a lower page read count than I hoped, I do have good news.
During my time on Kindle Unlimited, I have been able to use the free promotion deals to sell 4,388 books. And this number undoubtedly led to me acquiring reviews.

Knowing all this information led me to research how I could increase my page reads on Kindle Unlimited.
And while I found a wealth of information, I found much of it to be typical advice for book publishing and book marketing.
Here are the suggestions I found:
Here’s how to get more Kindle Unlimited page reads:
Create attractive book covers, titles, and descriptions.
Offer more fiction titles.
Use KDP Select strategically.
Opt into the Kindle Owners Lending Library.
Follow trending themes.
How to Get More Kindle Unlimited Page Reads (5 Ways) - The Letter Review
Kindle Unlimited is a great program for enthusiastic readers to consume as much literature as possible. As an author… suggests:
Planning a book series that encourages readers to continue reading through to see what happens. The chance of page reads is higher with a book series
Writing in a way that encourages readers to binge-read your books. For example, asking questions early so they read to get the answers. Or using quicker pacing to keep them reading.
Cowriting with other authors to draw in two audiences rather than one.
Publishing books consistently. For example, if you are working on a book series, publishing the books in the series quickly helps readers to continue reading through the series rather than forgetting and having to come back later.
Use your advertising dollars wisely, such as promoting the first book in the series to help readers read through the rest.
Utilizing the free promotion days. For example. romance books tend to sell better around Valentine’s Day, so focus your free promotion days on the week of Valentine’s Day to encourage readers to snag a copy and increase your chance of getting verified reviews.
Writing to market trends. Many authors pay attention to the trends in the market and quickly churn out books based on these trends, attracting readers and gathering page reads.
Adding a review prompt at the end of your books. If you manage to get a reader to read on Kindle Unlimited, you want to ensure it isn’t wasted by placing a few words at the end of the book to remind readers to leave a review.
The last useful tool that I found came from Kindleprenuer.
It’s a calculator that allows you to enter your page count and in turn totals the amount of money your book will make.

After all my research, despite gathering advice that could be applied to typical practices of publishing a book, I learned some valuable information and I will continue to figure out ways to maximize my time in Kindle Unlimited.
As with everything in the publishing world, continuing to learn the industry and the business of publishing will only help you.