Kayla Hicks - Author Kayla Hicks - Author

Writing Prompts to Jump-Start Your Creativity

2 min read

It just takes doing something new, like a writing prompt, to jumpstart your creativity

Too many times do we feel burnt out when writing, and we feel there is a struggle to find that spark of creativity again.

  1. The crowded room seemed to be still once he stepped onto the dance floor.

  2. The vast, wasteland lying before me was only a testament to the wasteland that civilization had become.

  3. Twenty-one minutes. Twenty-one long minutes ticked by me, as I counted toward the end.

  4. “You took five hundred dollars!” he yelled, causing her to step away, shielding her purse.

  5. The coffee cup slipped through her fingers, connecting with the ground in a splashy, ceramic mess, followed by the thud of her tall form hitting the hardwood flooring.

  6. “You’ve always had my heart,” he murmured into my hair. “I’ve just never been able to tell you.”

  7. Ten days, five hours, twenty minutes, and seven seconds. The exact countdown until my new life began.

  8. “Come in and see the magnificent attraction!” the showman announced, wowing the existing crowd. “The spectacular Valandra!”

  9. The floor creaked somewhere beyond the closed closet door, causing my heart to hammer harder than before, my clammy hand flying up to stifle my hyperventilating breathing.

  10. “Don’t you even think about it!” the masked man yelled, pushing the barrel of his gun into my back, causing pinpricks of pain to radiate across my back.

If you didn’t find anything here that sparked some creativity, you can always search writing prompts on Google or Pinterest and find lots more.