3 Unique Book Marketing Techniques for Social Media

Thinking outside the box sometimes is the best way to catch your audience’s attention
It’s no secret that social media is constantly oversaturated with marketing content.
As authors, marketing our books is the only way to intrigue our audience as without our marketing, it proves hard for our audience to find our products. So, to compete with all the other marketing content on social media, thinking outside the box is crucial in standing out against everything else.
Now the question is, what hasn’t been done? Or how can we put a spin on something that’s already done?
Using Free Little Libraries
There is a huge audience who peruses Free Little Libraries to see what they can find.
I do my best to spread out a few copies of my books to Free Little Libraries and have found that some fans of my books contacted me disclosing that they found my book this way.
But one of the keys to making this successful is to take a photo of your book in the Free Little Library and the location so you can post it on social media.
Here are some examples:

In this social media post, I shared how messy some of the Free Little Libraries are and how I took a moment to straighten the books and organize them. And it just happened, my book Dandelion got to sit front and center.

Before Christmas time, I made a video of myself wrapping a blind date with a book and placing stickers and bookmarks in the envelope on the front. Then I placed it in a Free Little Library and posted it on social media.

My Backup Superhero series now has new covers
Upping my game, I chose a few of my books to donate to a Free Little Library, sharing this on social media.
Remember, just because many authors do something, doesn’t mean you can’t do it in your own way.
Using Comedy
Why not infuse some humor and find a different way to entertain your audience with your book marketing?
My writer friend Katherine Dyson does a great job with her Instagram posts:

See the video here: Source
In her video, she jokes about how she needs to sell her paperbacks because otherwise, she needs to find places around her writing shed to store them.
Or some other author humor from djharringtonwriter on TikTok.

See the video here: Source
In this video, it shows her writing her book and dreaming of all the success it’s going to have. Then her mom walks in to ask her what she is doing and she is too shy to talk about her book.
What a great way to get not only other authors to relate but for readers to ask what book she is writing.
Collaborate with other Authors in Your Genre
The is more strength in numbers, right?
So, why not use this to your advantage? This could be a great way to use a bunch of different audiences for one another.
Comparing your main characters to another author in a collab video
Make a comedy video where your characters are transported to the other author’s world
Talking with another author about how your books differ and are similar
When you work with other authors, you can all grow your audience and see what you can offer one another.
Marketing books is challenging when you are competing against so many other books.
But when you try to think outside the box, the results could surprise you.