Writing and Publishing Resources to Have in Your Toolbox

A list of resources broken down between writing, publishing, and general resources
When it comes to getting your story to publication, having the right tools to help you get there is key to streamlining your writing and publishing processes down the line.
We as writers know that being able to produce and sell a quality book depends on the process we put into place to get it to completion. And we know that gathering the right tools and materials to create a template process for ourselves makes the process easier each time.
So, I have broken these tools down into different categories of needs during your process.
Writing Resources
Writing resources are gold because they help us along the way, saving us work in the long run.
In this list, you will see resources ranging from dictionaries to communities to generators to help your creative brain.
The Skeptic’s Dictionary: When you’re looking for different story inspiration
The Writer’s Knowledge Base: A search resource for writers
Reverse Dictionary: Helping you find related words
Fictionary Community: A community dedicated to helping you connect and gather resources
Save The Cat Tools: Printable sheets that work on Save The Cat principles used by many authors today
Writing Pacemaker: A customizable way to track word count progress and set word count goals that help you work around your writing schedule
Story Structure Database: Breakdowns based on movie structures to help you master your story structure and arc
Reedsy Plot Generator: A great way to figure out some ideas and jog your creativity
General List of Writing Tools: Here is a comprehensive list of wonderful tools to use
Publishing Resources
When it comes time to publish, we know that getting it right the first time is essential to ensuring you hit your deadline and keep your readers happy.
These resources range from formatting tools to guides on how to publish.
Reedsy: A wonderful tool to help you format your book for free
Publetariat: A resource for publishing and writing
Starting Your Publishing Journey: A Beginners Guide
Useful Resources
Last but not least, some extra resources that are generally just useful to have.
Writer Beware: Helping you discover scammers
Copyscape: Helping to determine if people have stolen your work
(Many of these resources were made available by https://writershelpingwriters.net/resources-for-writers/)
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