3 Ways to Optimize Your Amazon Author Central Page

3 ways to help your author central page will increase your chance of sales
Amazon is one of the leading publishing platforms right now for authors.
The reason for this is that Amazon offers:
Kindle Unlimited is a resource that provides advertising tools in the form of sales and promotions in addition to unlocking a particular group of Kindle Unlimited exclusive readers
The ability to set up additional publication content in the form of the A+ feature
Providing Amazon authors with an Amazon Author Page
Amazon’s KDP program unlocked the hidden potential that self-publishing had about a decade ago and since then hasn’t slowed.
As wonderful as the Amazon Author Central Page feature is, there are three things that its users aren’t making use of that hinder its full impact on readers who come across it.
A well-crafted author bio
When readers come across your author page, they want to know a little more about you.
And unfortunately, this can be a tricky line to walk. For starters, you don’t want to launch into a long back story that deters readers. But you also don’t want to make it short and pointless to have visited your page.
So, what makes a well-crafted author bio?
Think of this page as your time to shine. This is where you want to share your most shining achievements such as writing credentials or awards you’ve earned. Or consider sharing your media appearances as well as any outstanding publications.
By including this, you are showing readers that you have something amazing to show them.
Last but not least, it’s important to throw in a bit of personality. This could range from a sentence about what you do in your spare time to what your favorite authors are.
A professional photo
The power of a good photo can do wonders for reader perception.
Now, I do realize that not everyone is photogenic or has the money to have professional photos taken, but there are ways to have it done.
For example, try:
Taking a photo in front of a bright, plain wall with decent lighting
Having a photo taken somewhere outdoors
Displaying a photo of yourself from the shoulders up with a good background
If you don’t have the money to hire a professional to take your photo, ask someone you know who’s good with a camera to take a bunch of photos for you. The chances are that you will get at least one good one.

This is the image I have for my author bio
Displaying reader reviews
Once your book begins to garner a decent amount of reviews, the chances of readers finding your best reviews become slimmer.
Near the end of your author bio, one of the best things you can do is create a selection of three to five reviews. Once you’ve chosen the reviews you want to display, place them in a bold font with quotation marks and a dash with the reviewer’s name. By doing this, you draw the reader’s eye to the review area.
Remember that when you choose reviews to display, you want to choose the best ones.
For example, if you happen to have gained a review from a popular book blog, this is an important review to display on your page. Mainly because it shows that someone who reviews books for a living took the time to read and review your book. Which ultimately garners more recognition.
The main point to remember is that the Amazon Author Central Page is a tool to help you sell yourself to your audience.
And when it’s used correctly, it can encourage readers to take the next step.
Just remember to:
Have a well-crafted author bio that both shows off your accomplishments as well as tells the reader more about you
Try by any means to get a professional author photo
Display reviews that show readers that your work is worth reading