Creating An Effective Author Website

When authors discover a way to make readers return, they are creating an effective website
An author’s website can be a very useful tool in terms of helping your audience discover everything they need about you in one place.
Some fantastic areas your author website should include are:
Books page
Author page
Contact me area
Subscribe section (with lead magnets)
By having these pieces on your website, you ensure that your readers are getting the full picture of what you have to offer and help them to easily find what they need.
In addition to these pieces, there are design elements to consider when designing it such as:
Color Scheme and Layout
A mistake that numerous authors make in designing a website is making it overly busy.
When considering the elements of your website that make it pleasing to the eye, think about:
Colors that are pleasant to look at and how they flow throughout the website
Ensuring that any additional images or elements added to the background of the website aren’t overbearing
The website is easy to navigate and clearly labeled
That there isn’t too much going on to overwhelm the visitor
Taking the time to regularly go through your website and click the links available is important.
Not only does having links make it easier for your audience to access your content, but it allows you to appear professional. However, if the links you have available on your website lead to sites that no longer work or the link just doesn’t work at all, it can deter your audience.
Some great design ways to hide the way a regular link looks is to:
Insert a button that ties to the link instead of just placing a link on your website
Attach the links to images. For example, having the covers of your books clickable so when they click the cover of one of your books, its attached link sends you to where you can purchase it.
However, there are drawbacks to having a website that draws readers away from social websites like social media.
As wonderful as it is to have an author’s website where readers can find everything, it can be difficult to get them there.
This is due to the fact that the person seeking out more information about you needs to put in extra effort to seek out your website. And even if they put forth this effort to go to your website, you want to make it worth their while. But how do we achieve this?
Regularly Updating
Keeping your website up to date should be one of your top priorities.
Your audience will be able to tell fairly quickly if your website hasn’t been up to date by:
The dates on your posts
If your website’s content hasn’t changed in a while
If links start not working
Easy ways to regularly update your website can include new blog posts, content updates, new author photos, links for social media updates, and new events.
Having a Blog
Not all authors have a blog because many don’t know what they could regularly blog about.
However, if you feel you are able to keep up with a blog, it can be another useful tool in bringing people to your website. And it can be as easy as posting once a month, bi-weekly, or weekly.
For example, in addition to writing books, I teach others about publishing, writing, and audience building. So some of my blog posts vary between these subjects and from time to time before a book release, I will throw in a sneak peek at the book.
Bonus Content
Who says that bonus content needs to be exclusively for books? Why not double down and add some of this great stuff to your website?
For example, I have a new young adult zombie horror book coming out this fall. For this book release, I am working to have an Escape City Guide available for free on my website, puzzles, and more to enhance my audience experience.
If you have maps included in some of your books, why not place a tab on your website for bonus content and separate the content by books? It serves as a great little surprise for anyone coming across your website.
Creating an effective website means taking your time, planning as well as regular upkeep.
Be sure to pay attention to:
The design, color scheme, and layout for the website
How accessible all the content on your website is
To regularly update your website by checking links, possibly starting a blog, and sharing bonus content for your audience