Crafting Shareable Content for Social Media

Creating shareable content involves paying attention to trending topics and making your content relatable
Everyone wants the content they create to do well with their audience.
And the key to doing so is to pay attention to what your audience wants to see. Whether this be tips and tricks to a certain skill or giving them insider information on something they are interested in. Doing your research and keeping track of their interests will help you create interesting content.
But the biggest element of creating quality content is creating shareable content for your audience.
What qualifies content as shareable?
Sharable content falls under these criteria categories in terms of key elements:
It’s relatability
It’s usefulness
Timing (is this a current topic?)
Each of these elements is what urges your audience to share this content with someone else they know.
Why do you want to produce shareable content?
By creating content that people want to share, you essentially play on the idea of word-of-mouth.
For example, if a book is recommended by a friend, you are more likely to read it because you trust their opinion as opposed to some bookstore telling you it’s a good book. This same idea applies to content. If a friend or someone you follow is sharing this content, you are more likely to pay attention because you have more trust in this person.
When you create shareable content, you open the door for more people to see your content.
How to create shareable content
See what topics are trending
One of the best things you can do is research the market and see what topics are trending.
This can be as easy as checking the search bar on any social media platform with the word Trending. This will bring up trending posts and topics that you can look at and see if you have anything to say. And anything that your audience will value.
If you get lucky enough, you may have personal experience on a trending topic that allows you to spin the content from an experience, adding even more value.
Think of content that will be useful over and over again
Relying on trending topics isn’t always a go-to strategy, because everything has its moment in the sun before it’s quickly over.
So why not try to strategize something that you know people will need to refer back to in the future, or find useful later on to share?
For example, maybe you are a writer who just discovered how to simplify your formatting process. How can you share this with others?
An example of the information for a thread on X (Twitter)
Tweet one:
After two books which I took hours to format separately for Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, and Google Play Books…I finally figured out an easier way.
Tweet two:
Turns out that a website called can help you format your book…for free. All I had to do was put my book in there and:
Separate it by chapters
Add my copyright, dedications, and authors section
And then I could download a PDF and an eBook that’s compatible for all.
Tweet three:
By doing this, I cut down my process from hours of formatting to just under 30 minutes. Seems like an improvement to me!
Create content people can relate to
When your audience can relate to your content, that is one of the surest ways for them to share.
Why? Because they feel as if someone sees them and sympathizes. Which is a great way to ensure they share.
For example, my daughter has a dairy allergy and it’s nearly impossible to find decent chocolate for her to eat around candy holidays. So, I managed to find dairy-free vanilla wafers and Enjoy Life chocolate which I used to make her her own KitKat bars. I hadn’t expected the attention my post would have gotten with people expressing their frustration with the pricing of dairy-free products or the lack of variety in dairy-free candy.
When you share an experience or story, it opens up opportunities for your audience to relate and want to share with their friends.
Creating content that people want to share isn’t easy, it’s all luck if it happens.
But the more you pay attention to what your audience wants to see and what is trending, you increase the chance of its shareability.