Time of My Life: A Kayla Hicks Book Review

Today is the worst day of Jane Stewart’s life. And she’s reliving it over and over (and over and over) again.
What is it about?
She’s late to the same make-or-break meeting.
She’s fired from the same soul-crushing job.
And—the cherry on top—she’s dumped by the same lying, selfish dirtbag.
But no matter how many times she relives the same disasters and no matter what she tries to change them, it all ends in the same abysmal mess. Because, apparently, being stuck in a time loop on the worst day of her life hasn’t cured her crippling social anxiety. Go figure.
The one bright spot? Her long-time crush wants to be more than friends . . . if only she can get them past their first date. And so her happily ever is doomed before it can even begin unless she can find a way to save her job, her heart, and, oh yeah, the space-time continuum.
My review:
Janes's life is stressful because her job is everything she can't do, which is talking in front of people. In addition to this, her job isn't what her passion is yet she is unable to admit this.
Amidst all the pressure her job brings, she also has outside pressures such as her mom (who wants her to make something of herself) and her sister (who is a big-time movie star).
And she is in love with Alex, a wealthy and down-to-earth client of the company she works for.
Feeling unhappy with how her life is going, she wakes up on a Monday morning to find that her day is about to get worse. Late to work, fired from her job, and just a hookup to the man she was having an office relationship with. But it gets better because Jane finds herself in a time loop where she gets to live this day over and over.
After being stuck in this time loop for some time she finds a tarot card reader who tells her the only way out of the time loop is through love.
I enjoyed all the ways that Jane spent her many Mondays in the time loop. Whether it was discovering more about herself or helping someone else, it was an entertaining read. I give this four stars.
You can get it here: Time of My Life