4 Reasons Why an Author Became a Seasoned Author

5 min read

Seasoned writers create time to write, practice the craft, do not rush to publish, and continue to learn

It’s easy for some of us to see a seasoned author’s accomplishments or skills and wonder if we will ever reach their status.

When in reality, we need to realize something very important — these authors got here by doing these four things.

Creating Time to Write

Everyday life can sometimes feel overwhelming. Not only that, it can leave us drained, directing our leftover energy and creativity for other endeavors.

However, if you truly want to chase your dreams of becoming a seasoned, published, or known author, you must put in the time and effort regardless of everything else.

This is why many authors create a time during the day or week for them to write. By doing so, you establish a habit and you learn to plan around your established writing time rather than the other way around. And once you create a time to write, you are one step closer to achieving your goals.

If you have a hard time figuring this out, look at times you have free time.

Is it in the morning while you drink your coffee if you’re an early riser? Is it after dinner when everything is winding down? Or is it every Wednesday and Thursday because these are your least busy days?

No matter how much time you manage to carve for yourself, remember that progress is progress, no matter how much you accomplish.

Practiced the Craft of Writing

Like anything else, the more you do something and learn about it, the better you’ll be at it.

Seasoned writers are reading other writers’ work to learn different writing styles, vocabulary, and tones. Seasoned writers are also trying their hand at different types of stories whether this be short stories, novel length, flash fiction, and more. Or maybe they are testing out different genres and the point of view the story is told from.

The more that you learn about writing and then put that writing into action, the better your writing will become.

Once you have managed to produce something you are proud of, you need to grow a thick skin and let someone who can give you an honest opinion read your work so that you can learn about your writing from an outside perspective.

No matter the feedback you get back from these readers, know that the fact that you wrote something you are proud of and shared is a huge accomplishment in itself. And hearing multiple opinions on your piece will only help you improve it.

Didn’t Rush the Publishing Process

As exciting as it is to finish and publish a story, know that it takes time to get it to the point of publication.

There is nothing bigger than a finished first draft. But, it’s just that — a first draft. Your story is going to have to undergo multiple edits after being read by multiple alpha and beta readers before it can be published for readers.

Seasoned writers know that all this time that you take to gather feedback, make changes, and tweaks will only improve the wonderful story you have created.

And, in the meantime, you can work to market this book on social media and to friends and family. Because doing so takes creativity, work, and time. But if you rush to publish your book, you lose valuable time that you could have been building an audience for this book.

Take the time to make sure it’s as perfect as you can get it before hitting that publish button.

Continued to Learn

Seasoned authors are willing to continually learn about writing.

There are tons of classes out there to teach you all aspects of writing, you just need to find them. And there are lots of seasoned authors out there who are willing to share their experiences with you through social media, blog posts, podcasts, or videos. You just need to find them and see what they have to share.

Even though we feel as if we are the best that we can be, there is always something new to learn and ways that we can grow.

Where can you continue to grow your writing knowledge?

  • Masterclass.com has some wonderful classes but is a paid subscription

  • Medium.com where tons of authors and more are willing to share their experience

  • Checking colleges in your area to see if they offer writing courses

  • There are lots of online writing courses as well for you to check out and complete from the comfort of your own home

  • Gotham School of Writing provides online classes for writers

  • Quora.com also hosts tons of authors and more who are willing to share their experiences

Seasoned authors became seasoned because they:

  • Created time in their schedule for writing

  • Practiced and developed their writing

  • Took their time to ensure that their work was ready for publication

  • Continued to learn about writing, publishing, editing, styles, and more

Know that if you too work to implement these four things, you can also become a seasoned writer.

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