By A Thread: A Kayla Hicks Review

What happens when two people hate each other at first impression but slowly fall for one another?
What is it about?
I got her fired. Okay, so I’d had a bad day and took it out on a bystander in a pizza shop. But there’s nothing innocent about Ally Morales. She proves that her first day of her new job… in my office… after being hired by my mother.
So maybe her colorful, annoying, inexplicably alluring personality brightens up the magazine’s offices that have felt like a prison for the past year. Maybe I like that she argues with me in front of the editorial staff. And maybe my after-hours fantasies are haunted by those brown eyes and that sharp tongue.
But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to be the next Russo man to take advantage of his position. I might be a second-generation asshole, but I am not my father.
She’s working herself to death at half a dozen dead-end jobs for some secret reason she doesn’t feel like sharing with me. And I’m going to fix it all. Don’t accuse me of caring. She’s nothing more than a puzzle to be solved. If I can get her to quit, I can finally peel away all those layers. Then I can go back to salvaging the family name and forget all about the dancing, beer-slinging brunette.
Ha. Hold my beer, Grumpy Grump Face.
My Review:
First of all, I loved the complex characters of this book and how they interacted with each other.
I loved Ally the best as she was a main character with true values while she faced obstacle after obstacle that had been placed in front of her. And then there was Dominic, a grumpy boss placed in a high position at his mother's fashion magazine, with no desire to be there. Ally walks into his life after their first terrible interaction after his mother offers her a job at their fashion magazine and Dominic is furious.
However, Ally and Dominic slowly develop feelings for one another but Dominic isn't willing to commit due to the past of the fashion company and the fact that she is his employee.
If you are looking for a happily ever after with a bit of steam, this is a book for you.
I would give this a 5-star review!
You can get it here: By A Thread