How Being a Stay-at-Home Mom and an Entrepreneur Makes Me Parent Differently

Being a stay-at-home mom and an entrepreneur helped me rethink the types of lessons I try to teach my daughter
Having the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom has been amazing.
I would never give this time back because I have been able to connect with my daughter in a way that I wouldn’t have been able to had she been in school. And all this time spent at home meant that in the downtime, I had more time to grow my author brand.
During the three-year time I’ve been at home with her, I’ve managed to release 8 more books and release a course teaching authors how to publish.
However, all this time spent at home also taught me that I wanted to teach my daughter lessons that would enable her to see things differently.
Each time I released a book, my daughter wanted to see it and flip through the pages.
Each time she asked about what book I was working on, she would share with me what she wanted to do when she grows up. And the funny thing is, her goals only seem to expand. But more interesting is that they haven’t wavered.
What are the goals she has for herself?
Become a dressmaker
Open her own dress shop
Be a singer
What was even neater about her goals is that she asked me what it would take to open her own dress shop. How she would get a building, and how she would find customers. And she is only 4 years old.
So, what lessons am I trying to teach her from my entrepreneurial experience?
You can do anything you set your mind to
If you want something, work hard for it
Dream big
Make goals
Because the truth is, learning things like this can start young.
And in order to learn these things, having someone there to set an example for them helps them see it in action. It shows them what following through on your goals looks like. That it can be done.