Creating a Process Removes the Uncertainty of Self Publishing

So many authors shy away from self-publishing because of the work it takes to be successful, but creating a process eases the uncertainty
The goal of many authors is to get their work in front of readers.
To do so means using traditional publishing or self-publishing avenues.
Should an author choose self-publishing avenues, the best way to become successful and grow their career is to make a process to publish. Because creating a process is a template that can be used repeatedly to achieve your publishing goals. And better yet, once you use it, the process will get faster and easier.
Now the question remains, what does my process need to include?
The best way to think about your publishing process will be by breaking it into big portions.
Without a guide to move you through every step of the process, authors can often feel lost.
Creating a timeline should be your first step in the process.
Decide when the first draft should be completed
Decide when alpha readers will get the manuscript and their deadline to read it
Decide when the editor should receive your manuscript
Decide when edits should be completed
Decide when beta readers receive copies and provide deadlines
Set reveal dates
Set a release date
Decide which platforms you are publishing to (Draft2Digital, Smashwords, Kobo, Google Play Books, Apple Books, Amazon, IngramSpark)
Create marketing materials
In addition to completing the timeline, a schedule should be formed to complete all of these.
Consider setting a sacred time each day or week just for writing. Dedicate a day to creating social media posts and marketing materials. Set aside time to complete the research needed for your book.
By making a schedule, you will feel less overwhelmed with ensuring all of these tasks get completed.
The second portion of your process should be the part where the story is developing and gaining shape.
Writing/ Planning/ Outlining/ Editing — Writing a story takes planning and revisions to make it an enjoyable read. This part of the process can sometimes take months to years for some writers.
Research — An important part of the process that helps the story feel believable and rounded, research provides key details to the story. Without research being conducted, the story can fall flat or leave the reader feeling lost. For more, see Detailed Research Makes Your Writing Better.
Alpha readers, Editors, and Beta readers — An often overlooked aspect of the process, these three types of readers need to be used. Because if they aren’t the mistakes readers find can ruin their experience. For more, Authors need three types of readers to ensure a polished published book.
Each of these subsections of the development portion is crucial to forming a final product.
Platform Growth
One of the best things you can do for yourself as an author is to grow your author's platform.
Develop a professional website: Be sure to keep this updated with your upcoming works and updates to your career. Even consider keeping up with a blog in order to keep visitors returning.
Create social media accounts: Using that schedule, consider scheduling social media posts ahead to allow you to focus on interacting with people on other days of the week. Also, be sure you have a uniform look across all the platforms so readers recognize and find you.
These are the two key ways that reviewers, bloggers, and readers are going to find you.
By using these three portions to form a process that works for you, the uncertainty that comes with self-publishing will become easier to handle.
Yes, self-publishing requires work and dedication, but the payoff is worth it.