How Adding Special Content to Newsletters Keeps Subscribers

3 min read

Thinking outside the box is going to keep subscribers interested in your newsletters

Building a subscriber list takes time and dedication.

Getting people to take the next step to provide you with their precious email is a tough feat.

A great way to help with this is to give subscribers an instant win. You can do this by providing them with free email courses, a free story, or printables (depending on what your newsletter will be giving people.) When people receive instant gratification, they feel validated in making the decision to give you their email.

However, the instant gratification these freebies give isn’t enough to keep these subscribers.

Now is the time to begin thinking outside of the box and keep delivering on a promise to provide exclusive content to these subscribers.

Thinking outside the box for these newsletters means you are figuring out what exclusive content you can provide to these people.

  • Short stories within a stories universe

  • Fun facts you learned while researching for a book

  • Character profiles

  • Location reveals, cover reveals, description reveals, and character reveals

  • Blog posts

  • Insights into your writing

  • A photo of your workstation

  • Sketches or photos of your characters

  • Contests

  • Deleted Scenes

  • Schedule of upcoming projects

Remember that you don’t always have to work on providing exclusive content for your subscriber list. Sometimes just having them be the first ones to hear the news is exclusive.

In addition to making these exclusivities, being sure that the content is eye-catching is also important.

Taking the time to create eye-catching images with services such as or Designbold to draw in your audience.

Created with

For example, I write superhero fiction, so I decided to create a fun facts image for fans of the series.

Created with

For example, my upcoming book Secrets They Never Told takes place in the Outer Banks, which required lots of research. So, I decided to create this fact sheet which gave readers an insight into what they might learn about the Outer Banks by reading my book.

By being intentional and giving your subscribers first access and exclusive content, you are sure to keep growing your subscriber list and maintain that list.

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